from zed
We stepped on the path to make our game visions true in 2011 in Prague, Czech Republic.
to friends
In 2015 we are working to provide amazing mobile experiences with WarFriends and Tiny Miners
We stepped on the path to make our game visions true in 2011 in Prague, Czech Republic.
In 2015 we are working to provide amazing mobile experiences with WarFriends and Tiny Miners
Started in garage
LETZ Match!
is alive
Mega Dead Pixel is AppStore Best of 2013
Brand new Kids’ Games
Cut and Hack realeased on various platforms
Full time working on WarFriends and Tiny Miners
Mega Dead Pixel playable on airplanes
Two major
releases planned
2 published with Chillingo
more surprises coming
@martinbalhar @petrvodak
Want to join the FUN?